Stephanie Cooke CSS NEBSM CTA PTSTS (P)
Stephanie has a wide range of experience, working with Children and Adolescents for many years. She has worked as a Social Worker specialising in children, and a Counsellor for disturbed Adolescents and children who have been traumatised and abused. She has worked with Michelle Elliot on devising the Kidscape workbook alongside the N.S.P.C.C.
Stephanie has worked as a Counsellor and Psychotherapist for twenty years, she is presently working at the Manchester Institute as a Trainer and Psychotherapist with Adults and Children.
She runs certificated courses in working with Children and Adolescence.
She offers Supervision for Therapists, Counsellors and people who who work with Children in many different areas.
Stephanie can offer Clinical Supervision both at an individual and Group level.
She works primarily from the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy,however she may sometimes work on a outreach contract
As mentioned in the online section of this website she also offers Skype supervision as well as e-mail Supervision.